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Discover spiritual serenity with Bhutan's new ‘Tour of Compassion’

Perched high in the Himalayas, the Kingdom of Bhutan is a land of spirituality and mysticism. Buddhism is integral to the culture of Bhutan - more than 70% of the population practice the ancient teachings and the Kingdom has long been a haven for followers of the faith.


The Department of Tourism of Bhutan, in collaboration with Emma Slade - the first Western woman to attain full ordination as a Buddhist Nun in Bhutan, has created an immersive 10-night tour, geared to those seeking a profound spiritual connection. The tour can be operated by any Bhutanese Tour Operator, and guests can choose any selection of hotels or homestays as per their preference.


Emma's journey to Buddhism, and her later steadfast affinity with Bhutan, began in 1997. After facing a life-threatening incident, she sought a new path. Dissatisfied with her financial career, she left behind the world of hedge funds to seek a more meaningful understanding of life, embracing spirituality and philosophy. Emma earned her yoga qualification during her travels, which eventually led her to Bhutan in 2011. A pivotal moment occurred when she met Lama Nima Thsering at Druk Wangyal Lhakhang temple and she was inspired to embrace Buddhist teachings, finding purpose in the religion and its teachings.

The following year in 2012, Emma became fully ordained as a Buddhist Nun, the first western woman to do so. In addition to translating and editing Dharma texts written in Bhutan by great masters, her practice focuses on the teachings of compassion. Putting her teachings on compassion into practice, in 2015, Emma founded 'Opening Your Heart to Bhutan,' a charity dedicated to supporting special needs children in the Kingdom. Providing safe medical care, disability aids and basic amenities in the isolated rural areas of East Bhutan, the charity gives children the opportunity to build meaningful and happy lives.

A Tour of Compassion in Bhutan is an invitation to connect with the tranquillity, cultural richness and heart-warming philanthropy that defines Bhutan's people and land. Offering the potential for life-changing adventure, the tour follows a similar path of Emma’s journey to enlightenment, providing travellers the unique opportunity to encounter the landmarks and sites that played a pivotal role in restoring her trust in the world. Commenting on the tour, Emma said:


"Bhutan is a place that taught me how to be a human being again. The Tour of Compassion will be an extraordinary journey, thoughtfully curated with places that contributed to my own enlightenment and I hope that those embarking on this adventure find their own compassion and wisdom in this magical Kingdom that will stay with them for a lifetime."


The Department of Tourism of Bhutan has worked with Emma to craft a unique itinerary, allowing travellers an authentic look of Bhutan through a spiritual lens. Highlights of the itinerary include:


●      A visit to Dumtseg Lhakhang - a three-story temple and one of Emma's personal spiritual highlights, featuring a captivating painting depicting the mind of compassion.


●      Exploration of the Draktsho Centre for Special Children and Youth, a facility established by Emma’s charity 'Opening Your Heart to Bhutan,' offering an opportunity to witness and contribute to the life skills being imparted to the children.


●      Scenic hikes to renowned Bhutanese landmarks, including the iconic Tiger's Nest, a sacred Buddhist site on a Paro Valley cliffside.


●      Engage in guided meditation sessions and Buddhist retreats at monasteries scattered across Bhutan, with a special focus on Cherri Dorjeden Monastery, where Emma's Lama underwent retreat, holding a significant place in her heart.


●      Discover the charm of Bhutanese towns such as Punakha and Paro and indulge in a relaxing hot stone bath and spa experience.


●      A visit to the Dochula Pass, offering breathtaking 360-degree views of the Himalayas.


All Bhutanese Tour Operators can offer the Tour of Compassion to their clients.

To view the full itinerary, click here.

To learn more about Emma’s charity, ‘Opening your Heart to Bhutan,’ visit

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